Friday, July 24, 2009

It's a little bit warm!

So it was definitely hot outside today, really, really hot! But we spent the morning in the air-conditioned Interaction Center in the Convention Center. It was basically a big playground/information center/store/fun activity/a thousand other things that was the length of 6, count 'em 6, football fields. Unforately I (Pastor Sarah) forgot my memory card for my camera and my phone so I had to go back to the hotel to get them. I did however run into a ton of wonderful people I know and get some good Old Lutheran gear the store! I hope Kevin likes his present!

It is a beautiful thing to see so many people committed to "living lives worthy of the gospel." The Holy Spirit is the part of the Trinity that we say is the creator of community. Well, the Holy Spirit is working fast and well at the National Youth Gathering this year. Everywhere we go we make new friends! God is also working in the midst of the 16 of us as a group, strengthening relationships or building new ones. However, this kind of overstimulation did get a bit overwhelming a few times and I think we are still learning how to move and function as one organism and not just 16 individuals. We are getting the hang of it though...slowly but surely. It is an adjustment for all of us who are used to looking after mainly ourselves to remember that every decision we make affects the rest of the group. But these are life lessons that we will take away from New Orleans and back into our day-to-day lives.

We are also getting ready for our service day tomorrow! I pray that we will all get rested and ready to go so we can be fully present in that experience! Today we walked along the river and I was able to share with some of the group just why the Hurricanes were so devastating. I think it makes a difference when you can look at the river and imagine it overflowing into the streets.

Please pray for us as we prepare our hearts to be one small part of God's justice for all in the world.

God's Peace to you!
Pastor Sarah

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